A very warm welcome to St Michael’s P.S. Killean. We hope that you enjoy visiting our website which gives a great insight to the wonderful goings on in our school.
The school has a long history of serving the parish of Upper Killeavy and the community of Killean. As a Catholic school, Christ is at our heart and central to every aspect of school life. We take our example from the Gospel values of understanding, forgiveness, tolerance, and love.
The present school building refurbished in 2018 to the highest of standards including a state of art hall which is used by both the school and community for the benefit of all.
We are a school which has family at the heart of everything we do. We care deeply about the holistic development of every child in our care giving children every opportunity to succeed. In our school each child is precious, and each child is valued. We strive to ensure we meet each child’s spiritual, academic, physical, or emotional needs. We endeavour to further enrich the lives of our pupils through the experiences of sport, music and the arts.
We always have the very highest expectations of our children for behaviour, attitudes to learning and attendance; and we also maintain an excellent partnership with our parents. Our door is always open.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and find it very informative. It is updated regularly with news, events, and all the latest school activities. If you have any additional queries, please feel free to contact the school office and arrange an appointment to come and visit our school.
Is mise le meas,
Cónán McAteer
Latest News
Welcome to our school
Ag Foghlaim Gaeilge
Our New Play Equipment
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Welly Wednesday